MacInnes Bros Ltd were employed to act as the Principal Contract to lay approximately 12,000m of 33kV electricity cabling on behalf of SSE.
All works were undertaken in the remote and exposed location alongside the main spinal route of South Uist. The works were completed in difficult terrain in an area of natural beauty with notable archaeological findings with excavation in rock and near to water required. The sensitive nature of these works meant that there was a high degree of community liaison which meant attending community meetings and being sensitive to the needs of the community while these works were ongoing. Gaining access to local crofters land and being aware of and sensitive to the needs of these crofters was also a feature of these works – effective preplanning was crucial to ensure a minimum of disruption the local community.
The project was completed on time and within budget with no Health & Safety incidents. In addition MIB received excellent feedback from SSE contract management regarding the site safety, management and quality of the Civils work delivered by the MIB skilled workforce.